March Moustache Madness 2012


2011 - 2012

In 2012, March Moustache Madness was ushered in with The Most Interesting Stache in the World.

All the secrets of the universe are hidden in his moustache; too bad it's so thick that no one can get them out.

He doesn't please women; his moustache does.

George W. Bush didn't find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq because his moustache wasn't there.

His moustache once intimidated a band oif afghan rebels into surrendering without a shot.

Food doesn't get stcuk in his moustache; his moustache takes it.

He's been banned from professional sports because his moustache qualifies as a performance enhancing drug.

His moustache is so awesome that even christopher hitchens took it as a sign that god exists.

If you punched him in the face, his moustache would break your hand.

A barber once tried to cut his moustache, but it threatened to cut him back.

He doesn't do faceplants; he does moustache stands.

His moustache is so bushy, it houses a tribe of aborigines.

He can't smell a thing without his moustache's permission.

2011 - 2012

Gallery of Glory
A Guide to the Stache

March Moustache Madness 2012